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Robber threw cash as he fled

When I was young, I had to go to many underdeveloped countries. And I also had to go to many rural areas, as I was in charge of helping them to be self-sufficient.

When I moved from one rural area to another, there were many risks to encounter bandits. One of my former bosses used to say to me that I should scatter cash around if I see bandits. His theory is that any man will follow money under any conditions.
Then, I wonder if the robber in the following news discussed with my ex-boss… The robber perfectly followed his idea.

If the article tells exactly what happens, it is very funny. It looks that the robber was not armed nor did he get a car. So, there was almost no chance that he could escape. But he did.
So, I have to admit the throw-cash-theory is quite good…

Robber threw cash as he fled

A US bank robber escaped after throwing some of his haul over his shoulder as he fled from a security guard.
The guard stopped to pick up the $20 bills and the robber escaped after his raid on a bank in Jersey City, New Jersey.
The robber had walked into the bank and handed a note to a cashier, demanding $10,000 and a bag to put it in.
The teller filled the bag with $20 bills. As he walked away, the teller pushed the hold-up alarm and shouted: "We've been robbed!"
The security guard managed to grab the thief by the arm, but the robber wriggled free and then threw the cash behind him as he fled on foot.
The robber got away with $4,217 - not including the $1,425 he dropped to slow down the guard's pursuit, reports said.

Ananova - Robber threw cash as he fled

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