
Ananova:10:32 Friday 8th June 2007
Man's 50mph wheelchair ride
A disabled man was taken for a 50mph ride along a US highway after his wheelchair got jammed in the grille of a lorry.
The back of the 21-year-old man's wheelchair was scooped up as he passed in front of a lorry leaving a petrol station, Michigan State Police said.
The truck driver drove off, completely unaware that he had a new passenger.
Other motorists raised the alarm and used their mobile phones to call police.
"You are not going to believe this, (but) there is a semi pushing a guy in a wheelchair on Red Arrow Highway," one caller said.
After four miles, the driver pulled over at a truck stop where police caught up and told him about the man on his front end.
He refused to believe there was a man in a wheelchair stuck to the front of his truck until he saw it for himself, police said.
The man was unhurt - but still attached to the front of the truck. He had been kept in his wheelchair by a seatbelt.
Police in the town of Paw Paw, Michigan, said he told them "it was quite a ride", and complained only that he had spilled his soda.
コメント (2)
まったくそのとおり! 間違って、トラックの下に入り込まなかったのは、その方の普段の行いが良かったのでしょうね~♪
投稿者: よっこ | 2007年06月10日 02:36
日時: 2007年06月10日 02:36
投稿者: Aonori | 2007年06月10日 13:17
日時: 2007年06月10日 13:17